To Do List CLI Node App

Crossfit Workout of the Day API v1.0

JavaScript Node.jsAPIGitHub

The Crossfit Workout of the Day API was a great success for a few reasons. I hadn’t been able to keep up with programming due to my living situation at the time, so it was a great project to get me back into the swing of things.

It also was a challenging project to figure out because it wasn’t just another simple API project like a blog post API - there was actually some different data schemas and functionality to implement.

Planning and Development

This was one of the first times I used modeling for an API project. Usually I could think of what it would look like off of the top of my head for the more simple projects.

After modelling the data structures and routes, I coded it, tested it, and committed it to GitHub and pushed it to GitHub Pages.

Screenshot of README Home Page

Crossfit WOD API README Home Page

Progress: 90%

Start Date: 3/11/2024

Due Date: 3/11/2024

Completion Date: 3/11/2024

Project URL:

Git URL: